Body Acne

Body Acne Sometimes Hidden From View

Body acne can be found on the chest area, back and shoulder area, and even on the rear end in many cases. There is no known cause for acne in general and body acne is even more confusing. Some believe that it is a possible sign of more severe blemishes that are painful to the touch or are unusually large. However, most of us find body acne to be an annoyance rather than a painful experience.

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The only pain I associate with body acne is the pain of embarrassment. One of my current concerns is having an outbreak of blemishes on my back and shoulders during the summer months. It is difficult enough to feel comfortable in a revealing summer outfit without worrying about pimples popping up all over. I hate to think that the months that I spent whipping myself into shape are undermined by body acne that makes me cover up.

There is good news, though. Body acne can be treated with a few simple steps and there are products to help address more difficult blemishes. The Clear Skin Regimen is a popular choice for individuals who have normal breakouts but some may want to follow certain steps that lead to clear skin all over.

The major ingredient in the treatment of body acne is benzoyl peroxide and this is great news to thrifty individuals like my self. One thing to remember when using peroxide is that it takes the color out of fabrics, so make sure to use caution when applying the peroxide to the area and make sure to keep fabrics away until the peroxide is completely dry.
Finding the cause of the breakouts would be very helpful, but no one really knows what actually causes pimples. There are a number of theories, but none have been proved beyond a doubt. Some body acne can be made worse by an irritant. Watch to see where you tend to break out and you may find that there is an external source for the pimples. Some fabrics can wreak havoc on the skin. Tight clothing can cause breakouts as well.
Another area to consider is the neck. The neck is special because the skin is more delicate than the skin on the back and the shoulders. Sometimes treating the skin too much can cause future breakouts. Even though acne on the neck may be considered body acne, it needs to be treated like acne on the face.